How to acquire the best Colombian textiles?

The Colombian textiles have an excellent position in the Latin American region for its quality, workmanship, and unique designs.

This is because the textile industry in Colombia has an experience of more than a hundred years and a well consolidated chain of production. This makes it one of the most dynamic economy sectors of the country.

For this reason, many garments international makers, traders, and warehouses are looking for suppliers in Colombia that will provide them with the best products. However, How do you know if you are acquiring the finest textiles?

Here we give you some tips on what to assess during this decision-making process and the purchase of Colombian textiles.

How to buy the best Colombian textiles?

There are several aspects that must be considered when choosing your provider of materials for your business, as those are the basis for your products and therefore a determining factor in the quality and the final value of the same.

If you're thinking of buying Colombian textiles, and you want to find the ones that best fit your business, here we leave you some recommendations.

1. The search for potential suppliers

Nowadays, information is at our fingertips and as such you should make the best of it.

Search and study your potential suppliers. Check that the company is legally constituted in the country in such a way that it meets the minimum requirements within the industry.

2. Visit their website to get to know them

Visit the website of those suppliers, so you can get to know them better. Understand the kind of company it is, what their values are, their experience, their customers, their processes... all this information will be particularly useful when deciding which supplier is more aligned with what you are looking for that fit your needs.

3. Analyze your potential suppliers

Analyze several important aspects of your potential suppliers, such as: where they are located; what are their shipping process; the product catalog they have available (for example, laces, allover laces and other specific characteristics); the production capacity and the time of delivery, among others...

4. Understand the process of production and quality control of each provider

It is important to know what the production process is like to understand what type of machinery and material is used to manufacture the material you are going to acquire.

This entire process is linked to a fundamental procedure: the quality control. This step in the process will ensure that you'll receive your order just as you need and will give you the much-needed peace of mind during your path to the final product.  


5. Check the certifications that have inputs and check if they have the Appellation of Origin, Colombia.

It is of great importance to know if you have recognitions, certifications or seals to verify the authenticity and quality of the inputs under standards set by the industry or agencies of the country.

Specifically in Colombia, the Certification of Origin, is one of these important documents to consider, if you are looking for the best Colombian textiles.

Next, we explain in more detail what it is and its importance.

What is the Certification of Origin?

The Certification of Origin in Colombia, is a certification issued by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce. This denomination guarantees the quality of the products that the consumer is going to acquire and certifies that they are originally from Colombia, therefore, they have the reputation and characteristics of the country.

In accordance with ProColombia, through this certificate of origin, the collective effort of local producers to maintain the recognized qualities of the products of their region is recognized. Additionally, it guarantees their quality and prevents counterfeiting of Colombian products.



After reviewing the previous steps, you have all the important information in your hands to make the decision and choose the most convenient textile supplier that best aligns with your company.

Don't forget that if you are looking for quality Colombian textiles for your business, it is important to verify the production processes and the guaranteed certifications that your suppliers can offer you, such as the Certification of Origin.

Considering that textile materials, such as laces, are the basis of your product, it is essential that your supplier has quality controls of its inputs backed by adequate processes. This will help minimize potential risks.

Finally, remember to select only from certified suppliers, which have established processes and meet the standards required by the industry. This is an issue of utmost importance in any business wishing to provide a quality product.

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